A long time ago: “Evening in Paris,” The perfume in the fancy blue bottle On top of the bathroom counter in our house in LA You used it in little economical dabs If you and Dad went somewhere dressy. After my bath, I’d gently, reverently, nudge the stopper from the bottle And inhale . . . I thought . . . the elegance of Paris, And pretend I was all grown up and Living in luxury with my very own Paris in a bottle. The doldrums of midtown LA long gone.
Maybe the label said “Soir de Paris,” but I think you called it “Evening in Paris.” You were never pretentious, And besides, you didn’t know French.
The ubiquitous Web informs: “Evening in Paris” was discontinued in 1969, but re-launched in 1992 after being re- orchestrated.
For sure you’d have laughed: What does that even mean, to re-orchestrate a perfume? Pretentious, like the deconstructed and drizzle-infused, bloated vapor Served to foodies.
And what’s more . . . Now, all these years later, I learn that “Paris” was sold at Woolworths! Yes, that revered, fragrant, curvaceous, cobalt-blue bottle Gracing our bathroom counter Sold at a dime store, Long ago, in LA
But long before I could tell you my discovery, You got sick and died. Long ago, in LA